Wednesday, April 22, 2009

blood test

hes not my best friend anymore

i relied on him while i cried

then he went and hit me,


boys can be so annoying

but the ones that

are just friends

can hurt you more

because if it were just a boy

that was in a relationship with you

that hurt you

you would have your friends

to hold you

but knowing the fakeness of someone

you thought only looked after

you well being

hurts more than

one thousand

needles drawing viles of blood.

Monday, April 20, 2009

i hate hospitals
cause even if you're not sick
you feel it
you can hear everyone coughing
and sniffling
and you can see blood
and trembling fingers
and you feel like
you outta be sick

life's interesting now
everyone seems to be getting along
with bumps along he way
nothings ever smooth
with the mac pack
(with the drama i mean)

new people,
new gossip,
new things to do.
its all just so much
but not really
its just the "glory" of being
a teenager

i have more freedom now
rideau at night a lot more
loose plans
and i never really ask my mom
to do things
as much as i tell her
what my plans are
for the weekend

i like it now
but my body's taking the toll
i haven't slept well in a while
and i've been letting my nutrition go
a little bit
and ive let emotions get to me
and ive cried a lot

yesterday i went to my grandmas thinking that maybe she had put a small speed bump in her drinking but no, i could hear the alcohol in her voice, and see it in the way she walked, she wasn't my omi anymore as much as she was a complete stranger. she made me cry because she wasn't there to be my omi for the night, i wanted to be the kid for the night not the adult telling my grandmother not to drink. I wanted the freedom to be told what to do instead of spend my night crying and trying to get her to sober up. i couldnt do it so i went to my step dads (my moms ex-boyfriend who is the father figure in my life) and then my mom left a message on my grandmas answering machine telling her that she had made her daughter cry for the last time. my mom tends to overreasct a lot and she just cant deal with me being hurt in the slightest especially by someone who knew that she was taking care of me for the night.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

you just have to learn
to delete the


i thought i lost you
as a bird in the park
i thought i had you
as we were star seeking
i thought you would be mine
when you said you were falling
i thought i was getting closer
but you were pushing me away
i told you
they're are two of you
one mine
one hers
mine is better but
you're more hers
its like property
unless you're with me
lying to me
cause when we hang out
you lie
and you subconsciously
don't deny it.
i cant even think about
anyone else
when you're sitting beside me
even though I'm the one
telling you its wrong
i wish i would have just
kissed you
when you were leaning in
instead of turning my head
in the other direction
and failing to be there
instead i took your hand
and said
"lets go to the park"
but it was cold
so we went back to your
every "i love you"
you exchange with her
you can only insult for so long
push the knife deeper so long
but then you
relieve the pressure
and the love
relieves the pain
but then you take it away
and push harder

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

remove the damage
take away the pain
cut away the flesh that binds
this is not the answer
shower away the blood
wipe away the tears
sew up the broken
this is part of the answer
follow someone home
and feel less alone
in this world
we all want to escape
but our existance is among us all
to take for ourselves
no cutting
what happens is what happens
and the future should be left

Monday, April 6, 2009


one night ska stand

they had a one night stand
on the bed right beside me
but i mean
who cares
the ska music was blasted
while we skanked
and then as the night rolled up
they curled up in each others arms
we thought they were talking
they thought they were falling
in love
but i knew it was just lust
his and hers
i asked them later,
do you like (insert name here)?
"no, it was just fun"
fun? a good time?
no, i mean its just high school
im just in highschool
a fraction of my life
and nothing compared to what follows it
then university
my moms boyfriend went to whistler
and grew his hair long
after highschool
i think its weird
but its just what they did in 1992
I wonder what im gunna do?
university: law and literature
i promise

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Mitchell Davis is God

the universal you

is so stupid
jumping off cliffs
wrist cutting
i get it, pain overlapping pain
but the pain only makes it hurt more
than it already has too
why cry and bleed emotions
"i die a little bit inside..."
blah blah blah
you tell me you die
you tell me you cry
you tell me that
every breath you take
hurts you
makes your insides
knot up and
but i care and dont care
because i love you
the universal you
but when you leave you dont rest in peace
you... disapear
into nothing
and how would you feel if the only thing
you left behind
was blood and suicide?
i heard about a girl that hung herself
they just need compassion
and the most part of suicides is
love or lack there of
so if love is the only problem
then people have to stop taking it away
if someone says that
they are going to kill themselves
what are you going to do?
thats all
dont say the word love
say "we care"
say "it matters,
you matter"
say "without you every breath
i will take will hurt more
than it did before"
youre not a strong memory
yet i remember you so well
i dont want to remember
yet the taste lingers
and speach still
rings in my ears
sometimes drowning out
others peoples views on you
and only leaving mine
and although my anger towards you
has seemed to have faded
it hasnt
it is just the love overpowering it
and the joke playing
more tricks on me
its just the air that surrounds me
reminds me of your arms
and my feet that hold me
feels like your hands
grasping me
and pulling me in
deeper and deeper into
who you are
and now...
without me
boys are so stupid
especially you
and your games
that you like to fool me with
I see you when you hide
and i hate that i want to seek
but if i dont find you
no one else will
because we both know that she will cry
and make you follow her instead
i know you can take care of her
but what happens when you get hurt?
Look, i get it
and i didnt come crawling to you
like a little bitch
because i know that wouldnt have worked
because if i thought it would
baby, you'd be mine
but the truth is
i hate who youve become
and look what youve done
youve broken down a strong girl
i thought i was stronger but you managed
to tear apart my world with a simple
"i love you from here
to the moon
and forever"
i let my guard down
and you took control
I hate that those words have so much power
its terrible

Sometimes its fun to

.................................... chase

but sometimes

you just want to win!

Best Ever..

My weekend was amazing

on friday I went to a ska concert

at club saw and got my skank on

it was so hot in the club and

the mosh pit

left bruises on my legs

before the concert

we were on the roof of rideau

jumping building up top

and carving names into the building

saturday night I was at jess' house

and then chloe came over

later that night me and chloe

decided to go to a get together in stistville

the route there was an adventure

we got checked out

met ex's

and a girl on drugs

asked us if we wanted a lift from her mom

but we said no even though

the cold and the wait wasnt worth it

but after we made it

mabbnee loved chloe

and it was "click at first sight"

Broken Peices

I dont understand the madness?
I dont understand the project?
I dont understand the lies you put me through
to better your self esteem.
I dont get why I didnt believe everyone
when they told me that
you use people.
Why didnt I listen?
Cause Im a stupid girl
who wanted to love you for herlself
and no one else.
A stupid girl who kissed you
A stupid girl who believed you
A stupid girl to have trusted you with everything
but my password
A stupid girl to have let you start
a relationship with me
and then facebook break up.
A moronic girl to have looked at you, kissed you
and forgiven you after you cheated on me
and although you did all that
i want you back in my arms,
so i can protect you
and so
you can protect me
but instead
you ending up being what
i had to protect myself from.
Not my friends, nor teachers
or getting kicked out from school
Im good where I am.
I am not a stupid girl,
theres is logic behind why I skipped geography
I skipped because i wanted to step out line
Something you would do
I wanted to be in the breexe outside
while you were locked up in the school
I was lying on the grass with my friends
while you talked to the vice about explulsion
you're the stupid one
you figured, Im going down why not
take someone elses heart with me
Exactly, you picked me
and I let you
then I let you
take my heart and smash it to pieces
and now,
how am I supposed to love with the
broken pieces?

Calm Down I just forgot the lyrics to "Never Change" by Dear Juliet.

If you hear this wherever you are

Just know i need you here

I need you now

You were brighter than the pale white moon

Reflected in your eyes

So i guess its no suprise

I can't forget you

No matter what i do

I will always carry you in my heart

You'll always be my shooting star

Autaumn days will fade away

But memories willl always stay the same

I'm hoping you will never change

Don't ever change
I just need to slow down for a while

I'm missing your warm smile

And the way you used to say"stay wiht me till the daylight breaks

No matter what it takesJust say you'll stay"

I will always carry you in my heart

You'll always be my shooting star

Autaumn days will fade away

But memories willl always stay the same

I'm hoping you will never change

Don't ever change

All Hail Heartbrakers

I had a phase where the lyrics to Never Change had a meaning to me because they helped me cope with everything going on in my life. Now when I listen to the song I don't hear them as well. The beat sounds slightly off and the voice doesn't fit the words. I know the song hasn't changed but I've begun to realize that the boy I love really doesn't matter because "a players a player but if you're genuine; I'll Keep". And I tried to hold him in and I thought it was made until I found out that the past pain I had caused him had lead him to break my heart.